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Help Ahmad and his family Leave Gaza for Safety

$9 of $48,000 raised

Hello, my name is Ahmed, and I live in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. Every day, we face the horrors of war. We endure wounds, bleeding, and displacement from our homes. My family and I are currently living on the streets with nothing.

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Our Current Situation:

Living Conditions: We live in a camp that lacks basic necessities. There is no adequate shelter, food, or medical supplies.
Our Struggle: Our suffering is immense. We are constantly at risk, and our pale faces show thetrue extent of our distress.
Personal Tragedy: My wife, who was pregnant, suffered a miscarriage due to the war. We have documentation to support this tragic event.

Why We Need Your Help:

I am reaching out through the GiveNine Foundation for your help. We desperately want to leave this war-torn country to find safety and rebuild our lives.

Financial Breakdown:

To achieve this, we need:

$5,000 for each adult: This will cover the cost of coordination, travel, and initial settlement in a safer place.
$2,500 for each child: This amount is crucial for their safety and well-being during the move.
Total for My Family: We need $12,500 to ensure the safety of my wife, my child, and myself.
Community Needs: Many others are in the same desperate situation. Collectively, we need $48,000 to ensure everyone can find safety.

How You Can Help:

Your support can make a significant difference in our lives. Please consider donating through the GiveNine Foundation. Your generosity will help us escape the daily dangers we face and give us a chance at a better future.

Urgent Appeal:

Without your help, our situation will continue to deteriorate. The war has taken so much from us, and we are in urgent need of assistance. Please help us by donating through the GiveNine Foundation.

Thank you for your kindness and support.