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Support Our Fundraising Causes by Joining the Movement with us !

Help Ahmad and his family
Leave Gaza for Safety

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Hello, my name is Ahmed, and I live in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. Every day, we face the horrors of war.

$9 of $48,000 raised
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Fundraising Appeal: A Winter of Warmth for Palestine's Children

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In the heart of Palestine, amidst the turmoil and challenges, there are stories that often go unheard – stories of

$25 of $22,000 raised
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Protecting Dogs Amidst
the Ukrainian Conflict

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In a world focused on human lives, our cherished dogs and other animals, often overlooked, remain in peril. Help them

$39 of $30,000 raised
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Support for Mark Danilo's Family, Victims of Ukraine-Russian War

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Amid upheaval, Mark's family faces a bleak future with no breadwinner, enduring challenges no family should face.

$32,000 of $32,000 raised
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Help Rebuild Mariupol’s Old-Age Home: A Plea for Humanity

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Assist in rebuilding Mariupol’s Old-Age Home: An earnest plea to uphold humanity amidst adversity.

$22,000 of $22,000 raised
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Building Safe Homes for Ukrainian War Sufferers

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Constructing Secure Residences for Ukrainian War Victims: Extend Your Support and Make a Difference!

$78,000 of $78,000 raised
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Safeguarding Oceans Amidst the Climate Crisis

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Join OneOcean's Quest to Secure Our Blue Planet's Future: Your Support Can Make Waves in Global Ocean Conservation!

$55,000 of $55,000 raised
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Earthquake Relief Efforts
in Morocco by GiveNine

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Unforeseen tragedy strikes Morocco, a nation known for its rich culture and stunning beauty.

$62,503 of $62,000 raised
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